[Advaita-l] Advaita and modern science

srirudra at vsnl.com srirudra at vsnl.com
Thu Jun 23 05:22:56 CDT 2011

Dear Dr.Yadu Moharir
I would like to add that logic sometimes fails as things we think are 
constant undergochanges.R.Krishnamoorthy.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dr. Yadu Moharir" <ymoharir at yahoo.com>
To: "A discussion group for Advaita Vedanta" 
<advaita-l at lists.advaita-vedanta.org>
Cc: "kuntimaddi sadananda" <kuntimaddisada at yahoo.com>
Sent: Tuesday, June 21, 2011 10:00 PM
Subject: Re: [Advaita-l] Adwaita and Modern science.

Namaste Sada-ji:

I would be careful in making statements. True, objective
sciences relay on pratyaksha pramANa for validation and anumaana for
deductive/ inductive reasoning about the nature of the objective
reality. Scientists try to discover the truth about the nature. The
theories can be negated and or improvised by better theories, but not
the facts.
All it means is the logic which is based on pratyaksha pramANa for
validation only has its inherent limitations in arriving at the nature
of the truth.


Hence we have shabda pramANa - Vedas - to point out the truth that cannot be 
established by pratyaksha and anumaana.

If this is so, then why do think Acharya makes the bold statement says, 
"caanta saiddhaH svaanubhuti pramaaNam" ?

There are many places that I have been able to explore to uncover the 
validity of Veda as "pratyaksha". You have a copy of my book on Shrii 
Suukta, where I have explored this to some extent, from the application 
(viniyoga) point of view.

There are several places that specifically mention use of specific herbs are 
"samidhaa's". Ayurveda have proven the effectiveness of some of them (if not 
all) and currently in use. Here the objective is "pratyaksha" that can be 
experienced. Just academic chanting with excess importance of "udaatta" 
anudaatta, plupta and svarita" has no meaning if one has no desire to find 
out the truth experimentally. That is what I call "athato brhmajij~nasaa"

Vedas also are apara vidya too and the absolute truth is aprameyam -
that is no pramANa can be valid or in fact is required to know the

How can calling Veda as aparaavidyaa be correct?

I have difficulty is accepting the ter use of term "vidyaa" in the above
 term because vidyaa is the process and destination it arrives at is the
 "Knowledge" - Veda.

Vedas only help in removing the ignorance of oneself and in the
processes the truth that is self-evident and self-existing becomes- as
though- known.

Veda does not remove the ignorance. It is the process and desire to 
understand the knowledge (the truth) removes ignorance.

In my view, Veda dose not have to agree with anything it us , who have
to evaluate whether what has been state there-in is true or not?

IMO - Vedanta comes closest to science as an expedition of determining 

The concept of viniyoga is from Veda is important but it has been lost
in various BrahmaNaa's. If one practices the known documented portion
of Viniyoga from Veda then one can validate the concepts expressed by
our sages but if one ignores it as apraavidyaa then are we npot
purposely pushing it into the shadow of unknown mystisim?

I am convinced that all knowledge is for the living and it is up to the 
living to discover it and use it. What good is any knowledge that not 
understood and/or not available at the time of need? The real spirituality 
of all knowledge lies in it's use.

aj~nebhyo granthinaH shreShThaa, granthibhyo dhaariNo varaaH |
dhaaribhyo j~naaninaH shreShThaa, j~naanibhyo vyavasaayinaH || manusmR^iti 

Meaning(Liberal) - Someone who has
studied a little a little bit, is better than a totally ignorant individual.
Someone who has memorized the books is better than someone who knows a 
One who knows the meaning is superior to those who just memorize. However, 
who practices and utilizes that knowledge is definitely superior to all 
(Manusmåti 12.103).

Vedaanta talks about it but vedantii's remain vedaanti as ladle who cannot 
enjoy the flavor of the soup. "tadarvi paakarasam yathaH" !

Best Regards


From: kuntimaddi sadananda <kuntimaddisada at yahoo.com>
To: A discussion group for Advaita Vedanta 
<advaita-l at lists.advaita-vedanta.org>
Sent: Tuesday, June 21, 2011 3:55 AM
Subject: Re: [Advaita-l] Adwaita and Modern science.
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