[Advaita-l] Saguna and Nirguna Sruti
Bhaskar YR
bhaskar.yr at in.abb.com
Wed Apr 27 00:56:55 CDT 2011
praNAms Sriram prabhji
Hare Krishna
I couldn't understand what is nirguna sruti & saguna sruti. A sruti is
sruti, whether it is
nirguna or saguna.
> yes, but there is a huge talk about kArya brahma & kAraNa brahma in
shankara's sUtra bhAshya based on shruti vAkya-s which sometimes depicts
brahman as -bhArUpa, manOmaya, prANa maya etc. which shankara says :
nAmarUpavikAra bheda upAdhi vishishtaM and sometimes as 'neti,neti',
astUla, anaNu, nishkalaM, nishkriyaM, shAntaM, niravadyaM, niraNjanaM
etc., shankara tells us this is nirupAdhika, nirvishesha brahma which is
jnEya brahma & the former is sOpAdhika, apara brahma which is meant for
dhyAna & upAsana.
Ultimately, winning the game is most important irrespective of one's
school of thought!!!
> yes, advaita always thinks about the win-win situation hence entertains
all duality thoughts contextually without disturbing the core siddhAnta
which is indispensable for winning the game :-))
Hari Hari Hari Bol!!!
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