[Advaita-l] vishayananda & brahmananda
Anand Hudli
anandhudli at hotmail.com
Sun Apr 3 11:04:50 CDT 2011
It is useful to consider ViShayAnanda and BrahmAnanda from two points of view - that of the jIvanmukta and that of the mukta who goes to Brahmaloka, as discussed in the fourth adhyAya of the BrahmasUtras.
ViShayAnanda and BrahmAnanda experienced by the jIvanmukta have been discussed in PanchadashI, a classical text on advaita.
Basically, ViShayAnanda, pleasure from sense objects and BrahmAnanda, the bliss of Brahman are both experienced by the jIvanmukta. However, the ViShayAnanda has to be "avirodhi", not opposed to the BrahmAnanda. And what is this avirodhi viShayAnanda? As per the commentary by Ramakrishna, "aprayatna-saulabhyena-abahirmukhatvahetau viShaye". This means the ViShayAnanda has to be without much effort, easy to achieve, and not distracting him from BrahmAnanda.
Here is some related information:
In the case of the liberated one in Brahmaloka, relevant discussion is found in the fourth pAda of the fourth adhyAya of the BrahmasUtra. In fact, Shankara makes a reference to chAndogya 8.12.1 and 8.12.3 in his commentary on the "muktaH pratijnAnAt" sUtra. In the sankalpAdhikaraNa, he says that the mukta can achieve all his desires by his mere volition. And the objects of his desire appear before him as he wills. Shankara also make it clear that these objects of enjoyment will be available for his experience as long as he wants them, quite unlike those during human existence. In other words, he can enjoy the pleasures as long as he needs them with no fear of such pleasures coming to an end, sankalpabalAdeva chaiShAM yAvatprayojanaM sthairyopapattiH.
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