[Advaita-l] The Jnani's feeling of physical pain

Br. Pranipata Chaitanya pranipata at hotmail.com
Tue Sep 21 10:55:20 CDT 2010

> >
> One may study the Bhagavad gita 4.22 and the bhashya too.  Some of the
> points to be noted in this connection are:
> 1.    The doership, kartRtva, of the Jnani is what is superimposed on him 
> by
> the loukika-s, uninitiated.  He does not say anywhere that the actions
> themselves, karma, are so superimposed by the ignorant.
Hari Om Shri Subrahmanianji, Pranaams!

This is a new line of argument but seems strange.

pravrtti-nivrittyoH kartru tantratvAt ... sarvaH eva 
kriyA-kAraka-Adi-vyavahAraH avidyAbhUmau eva.

Since engagement and non-engagement (in action) depend on an agent, 
therefore.......   all dealings involving an act, accessories, etc. exist 
certainly on the plane of ignorance**, only as long as one has not attained 
to the Reality.

** Both engagement and non-engagement presuppose agentship and an act of 
some kind. This however, holds good on the plane of ignorance, but not on 
that of Self-realisation.

(BGB 4.18 translated by Sw. Gambhiranandaji.  ## footnote. )

If action pre-suppose agent; while agentship is dismissed(or accepted only 
as) superimposition, how can any reality be brought for action. How will the 
argument only agentship is superimposed not action hold water.

In Shri Guru Smriti,
Br. Pranipata Chaitanya 

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