[Advaita-l] A help required regarding some Sanskrit words
Siva Senani Nori
sivasenani at yahoo.com
Wed May 5 04:06:44 CDT 2010
The key is "nishkritya" which itself is the combination of ni + kritya. ni / nih (the form to be used depending on rules of sandhis, compounds etc.) is an upasarga which means "well, properly, perfectly etc." as in nidhana, nidarSana, niveSa (the hindi word, niveS is from this form) or more familiarly abhi-ni-veSa and so on. There is another upasarga (if you consider the tails sometimes attached to such words) or a different set of meanings (the modern preference of presentation) for ni / nih, meaning not and variations thereof, which is found in nishkAma, nirmala, nishkalanka, nirupama, nirapeksha, niravadyam etc. For many of these, instead of ni / nih, "a / an" may be prefixed to get the same meaning as in amala, anupama etc. I cannot think of any examples, where the words formed by 'ni' and 'a' combining with the same adjective result in slightly differing shades of meanings, but that cannot be ruled out.
In light of the above, niruktam is well said.
From: V Subrahmanian <v.subrahmanian at gmail.com>
To: A discussion group for Advaita Vedanta <advaita-l at lists.advaita-vedanta.org>
Sent: Wed, May 5, 2010 6:38:52 AM
Subject: Re: [Advaita-l] A help required regarding some Sanskrit words
I recalled that the word निरुक्तं is found in the Taittiriya Upanishad:
निरुक्तं चानिरुक्तं च (2.6.1). The bhashyam is: निरुक्तं नाम निष्कृष्य
समान-असमानजातीयेभ्यः देशकालविशिष्टतया इदं तत् इत्युक्तम्..(niruktam is that
which is definable with specific characteristics..)
Now, niruktam is 'something well said'. It appears almost certain that this
word does not mean 'unsaid' or 'poorly said'.
I still welcome inputs on this topic.
Om Tat Sat
On Tue, May 4, 2010 at 10:49 PM, V Subrahmanian <v.subrahmanian at gmail.com>wrote:
> Namaste.
> Here are some pairs of words:
> अनपेक्षः - निरपेक्षः (not longing for anything)
> अनवद्यं - निरवद्यं (faultless)
> अनवकाशः - निरवकाशः (bereft of occasion)
> अनुक्त.... - निरुक्त... (not the VedAnga) (unsaid)
> By the way, is the word निरुक्त used in a compound like: निरुक्ततात्पर्यम्
> ? (to mean: unsaid purport)
> Is there any difference in the meanings of the words in each of the pairs?
> If so what is the difference?
> Om Tat Sat
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