[Advaita-l] Can a jnAni engage himself in a prohibited act??
Br. Pranipata Chaitanya
pranipata at hotmail.com
Wed Jul 14 01:52:55 CDT 2010
From: "V Subrahmanian" <v.subrahmanian at gmail.com>
> It is not avatara, if you are in that impression.
I repeat do not be judgemental.
You quoted the example, you provided explanation for your example, now you
are issuing a clarification for your explanation.
>Vyasa's case is no different in as much as another
> body is taken and lived out. The only difference is that in this case
> avidya / ajnana is not the cause of the new incarnation; it is the command
> of Ishwara.
One just cant stop but wonder how nicely you state non-difference and bring
out difference.
If vandhyA can have putra, I mean cause of the effect, non existing avidya
can be the cause of the effect prarabdha, in your above cited case.
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