[Advaita-l] The Human aspect of Jnanis - 1
Br. Pranipata
pranipata at hotmail.com
Mon Jul 12 07:48:55 CDT 2010
From: "V Subrahmanian" <v.subrahmanian at gmail.com>
> Namaste.
> There is a rule showing a defect, doSha:
> aprasaktasya pratiShedhaH
which means: It is incorrect to prohibit something that is
> impossible. To explain, no one can prohibit me from 'eating the moon'
> for
> the very possibility of eating the moon is not there. Similarly, if
> there
> were no possibility of a Jnani of entertaining, manifesting, emotions
> like
> anger, grief and so on, Bhagavatpada would not say in that
> AparokshAnubhUti
> verse: While living out the prArabdha, take care that you do not give
> room
> for anger, etc.
Om Tat Sat
1. If one observe verses 8 to 12 in chapter 12 in BG, the lord give
alternate instructions in case Arjuna is unable to follow earlier
instruction and it is clearly stated the later one will become applicable
only if he is 'ashaktaH' to follow the earlier one. But this clearly says
that comparing to the following instruction the earlier one is impossible to
follow. So are all these instructions given to the 'ashakta' is a waster of
energy from Lord though he may have inexhaustible energy.
2. Like AcArya's instruction w.r.to jnAni in aparokSha-anubhUti, there is an
instruction in srimadbhagavadam for all men not to believe their mind and
not to stay alone in private even with the company of one's own
mother/sister. Is the so called entertaining/manifesting/outburst of that
type of emotions possible with one's own mother/sister. Or is that also
'aprashaktasya parishedaH'.
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