[Advaita-l] Advaita vedanta or not? (was RE: waking, dreaming, sleeping, as mutually supportive)
Bhaskar YR
bhaskar.yr at in.abb.com
Fri Oct 16 03:50:13 CDT 2009
sAshtAnga praNAms Sri Vidya prabhuji
Hare Krishna
In the hands of a true traditionalist, the prasthAna trayI and its
bhAshyas are living texts in guiding the thought process towards brahman.
The true value of a sampradAya lies not in a fossilized text and
commentary but in how the texts speak to us in this day and age.
> Kindly pardon me I am not able to get the intended meaning of your
above assertion!! 'A saMpradAya lies not in a fossilized text &
commentary'...what exactly does it mean prabhuji?? Over the ages shruti &
smruti texts do not undergo any change and nobody dared to make even an
attempt to change it to suit to the current day & age.. so in a sense,
these texts too are fossilized texts and as you know these texts are the
'base' of any orthodox & bonafide saMpradAya. We cannot cite the above
explanation and say : our saMpradAya is not based on fossilized texts like
shruti-s & smruti-s!! Likewise, what our bhagavatpaada gives us in the
form of his commentary, should be treated on par with smruti if not shruti
(coz. on our own, with our conditioned minds cannot derive the true
meaning of these texts directly!!)and the saMpradAya to which we belong to
and the sampradAyavAdi-s who are carrying the flag should ever be indebted
to 'mUlabhAshyakAra' & his works...We cannot claim that fossilized texts &
my mUlAcharya-s commentaries on it are not suitable to this day and age
and hence we have to resort to the commentaries of later Acharya-s who
have the 'better understanding' of current trend, date and age!!
I onceagain request you to clarify what is this fossilized texts and
commentary that you are talking here & that which goes against the 'true
value of the saMpradAya' ...
Your humble servant
Hari Hari Hari Bol!!!
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