[Advaita-l] Fw: The results of your email commands

R Krishnamoorthy srirudra at gmail.com
Tue May 9 10:45:16 CDT 2006

dear Mr Vyas
i had changed my email id and registered it with advaita list... now i find
that my mails are going to the 'bounce list' of advaita...
do help in the matter. this is very frustrating.
R Krishnamoorthy
my original email id was srirudra at vsnl.com, present email id is 
srirudra at gmail.com.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: <advaita-l-bounces at lists.advaita-vedanta.org>
To: <srirudra at gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, May 09, 2006 8:51 PM
Subject: The results of your email commands

> The results of your email command are provided below. Attached is your
> original message.
> - Results:
>    Ignoring non-text/plain MIME parts
> - Unprocessed:
>    As long as you have in faith in Chunky alone exists good.If you =
>    concentrate/meditate on Chunky and formulate your axioms to establish =
>    the existence of Chumky to the sujective satisfaction of the =
>    poorvapakshees I think you would be doing a great job.Why we accept the 
> =
>    vedas is that it has already gone into the probable questions that the 
> =
>    doubting Thomases may pose about the veracity of existence of Brahman =
>    and given pramanas like smoke and fire,uniqueness of different =
>    species-plant,animals etc and the cosmic intelligence observed.If you =
>    are to redo the same in your own way  go ahead only that people may say 
> =
>    you are saying the good old things.
>    As Buddhism questioned the existence of Brahman as told by Vedas Adi =
>    Sankara enunciated Advaita philosophy which is very logical and would =
>    enable a follower of that to further probe the vedas and arrive at his 
> =
>    own conclusions.
>    Kindly read Brahma sutra and I am sure you will yourself smile at your 
> =
>    rediscovery plan so to say.Gravity was there even before Newton =
>    enunciated that.But remember it does not work once you are out of =
>    earth.Brahman is not a find of Vedas.Vedas only confirm Brahman`s =
>    existence and go a step further that It only exists.Are we not =
>    experincing this in day to day life?Only that we are not able to =
>    appreciate why Brahman acts the way It acts.R.Krishnamoorthy.
> - Done.

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