[Advaita-l] Re: Moksha (Badisa)
Jaldhar H. Vyas
jaldhar at braincells.com
Thu Aug 25 09:32:28 CDT 2005
On Wed, 24 Aug 2005, ramesh badisa wrote:
You have made some good points but I fear you are missing the mark
> In my opinion, absolute salvation
Btw, can you use the proper terminology instead of "absolute salvation"
etc? It will make it easier to understand your arguments.
> is the state where the atma identifies
> with absolute existence.
> * It creates the universe.
> * It dissolves the universe.
...But then why care about the universe which is only a fraction of
"absolute existence?"
The vyavaharic viewer of Brahman knows Him as the creator, protector, and
destroyer of the universe i.e. Ishwara. But that concept doesn't not
fully map the nirguna parabrahman. As the brahmasutras explain, there is
only one Ishwara. This is because from the vyavaharic view, there is only
one universe. However this doesn't mean that from the paramarthik view
there has to only be one.
> * It is all pervasive with respective to Nirgun Brahman (NB).
And this is the answer to the riddle. If it is all pervasive then it
includes the jivanmukta. It includes Ishvara etc. There is no difference
between them. And therefore the jivanmukta includes parabrahman,
includes Ishwara. etc. There is no difference between them.
It is the _observer_ who sees difference and that is because of its
The purpose of the brahmasutra in question is to stop the sadhaka from
going off the track by trying to become Ishwara and collect powers like
creation, dissolution etc. instead of realizing Brahman.
> Also, please indicate why the liberated soul at BL is said to have not
> attained salvation and why the gyani on the Earth is said to be attained
> salvation?
The inhabitants of Brahmaloka are mukta in the sense that they have
escaped from the cycle of samsara. However they still identify with
gunas. Who we are referring to as a jivanmukta is free from feelings of
attachment to all gunas. This is the key to mukti whether the atma is
free of attachment or not. Whether the location of that atma is
brahmaloka or a human body is arbitrary and irrelevant.
Jaldhar H. Vyas <jaldhar at braincells.com>
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