[Advaita-l] : ONLY ONE PLACE - AdhyArOpa-apavAda

Jay Nelamangala jay at r-c-i.com
Tue May 27 14:44:19 CDT 2003

Dear All,

>   Adhyaropa Apavadabhyam ...is surely genuine. 100 %  Gita Bhashya
> 13-2.

I was informed by some of my friends in the other list that Advaita uses
adhyArOpa-apavAda  to interpret Veda.

But Sri VedavyAsa has made it mandatory that we use "samanvaya" to
interpret and understand Veda.   The concept of Samanvaya itself comes
not from any particular Vedantic school,  but comes from Shruti.
Upakrama, upasamhAra,abhyAsa, apoorvatA, phala, arthavAda, upapatti
are its steps.  The former ones in the list are weaker than the latter ones.
Thus, the  steps in samanvaya are all very well defined,  and upapatti which
means 'logic' or 'reason'  is the strongest among these,  as it is a very
fundamental requirement that what we understand from Veda should be
coherent and make logical sense.

>From the point of view of Advaita,  what were the short comings of such a
"samanvaya"  technique provided by Sri VedavyAsa for it to ignore
samanvaya and adopt adhyArOpa-apavAda  instead of samanvaya while
interpreting Veda?.

Where in prasthAna-traya do we hear about adhyArOpa-apavAda?
How do we use it?   What are its steps?.

Can someone throw some light on this?.

Jay N.

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