Value of Prayer

Swarna Venkateswara Swamy truthseeker123x at YAHOO.COM
Tue Jun 4 10:07:11 CDT 2002

Hari Om. does that mean that while trying to break
free of Karma, one has to still do one's swadharma,
enjoined in the sastras? If one does develop true atma
jnanam, karma becomes infructuous. Only karma is
needed to purify the mind in the initial stages. Once
a pure mind is obtained, the true self starts shining
through and only bhakti is necessary to preserve the
purity and to prevent the mushrooming of the petty ego

I would like to await the reaction of the other
learned members.

--- "Ravisankar S. Mayavaram"
<miinalochanii at YAHOO.COM> wrote:
> --- ken knight <hilken_98 at YAHOO.COM> wrote:
> >> Having worked with Interfaith groups for some
> years, I
> > have seen that there has been one common problem,
> > people of all traditions do not study their own
> > scriptures and prefer to speak from opinion rather
> > than the knowledge enshrined in tradition. All of
> us
> > need to rectify this, again in ourselves first.
> >
> A very nice observation.
> In the case smArta-sampradAya, learning starts more
> from practice. For
> instance, doing trikAla sandhya vandanam is more
> important, even if one
> does not initially understand all details.  That is
> what makes the
> difference between a living and dead tradition.  A
> smArta, knows,
> understand, and preserves his tradition through
> practice.
> Mere academic knowledge without actual practise is a
> like beautiful but
> dead lady. So are the websites of people whose
> intention is merely
> academic.  A pregnant sentence from one practising
> the dharma is more
> useful that thousand websites with lot of data. That
> is why discussions
> on this list often becomes useless and futile.
> My 2c.
> Ravi
> =====
> ambaaL daasan
> Ravi
> sharaNAgata raxakI nivEyani sadA ninnu nammiti
> mInAxI
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