World-view as dream

Bhadraiah Mallampalli vaidix at HOTMAIL.COM
Wed Dec 4 10:40:20 CST 2002

Releveant quotes from Br.U.:

I.v.1. That the father created seven kinds of food through meditation and
rites (I shall disclose). One is common to all eaters. Two he apportioned to
the gods. Three he designed for himself. And one he gave it to animals. On
it rests everything - what lives and what lives not. Why are they not
exhausted, although they are always being eaten? He who knows this cause of
their permanence eats food with pratiika. He attains the gods and lives on
nectar. These are the verses.


I.v.3. 'Three he designed for himself' means, the mind (manaH), the speech
(vak), and vital force (prana). (They say) 'I was absent minded, I did not
see it' , 'I was absent minded, I did not hear it'. It is through the mind
that one sees and hears. Desire, resolve, doubt, faith, want of faith,
steadiness, unsteadiness, shame, intelligence and fear - all these are but
the mind. Even if one is touched from behind, one knows it through the mind;
therefore (the mind exists). And any kind of sound is but the speech, for it
serves to determine a thing, but it can not itself be revealed. Prana,
Apana, Vyana, Udana and Samana and Ana - all these are but the vital force.
The body is identified with these - with the speech, mind and vital force.


I.v.8. These (the three foods the father or prajapati created for himself)
are what is known (speech, vijnaatam), what is desirable to know (mind,
knowable, vijijnaasyam) and what is unknown (prana, vital force,

(I am looking for a sanskrit word for the unknowable. Shruti uses the word
avijnaatam itself in many places in Br.U even for the self.)

Best regards

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