Shankaracharya on Ramana Maharshi

Sankaran Kartik Jayanarayanan kartik at ECE.UTEXAS.EDU
Thu Apr 11 13:56:42 CDT 2002

On Tue, 9 Apr 2002, D.V.N.Sarma wrote:

> To put a stop to this discussion I would like to inform the list
> members that Puri Sankaracharya visited Ramanasrama at
> Tiruvannamalai and sat at the feet of Ramana to learn the
> meaning of the agama passage "haranaarii samyogae avacchaayaa
> yogah'. Ramana did not teach him by word but by simply inducing
> in the Sankaracharya the experience pertaining to the agama
> passage. The Sankaracharya with tears rolling down his cheeks
> acknowledged that he now understood.
> Those people who are interested in the incident will find it in the
> Letters from Ramanasrama by Suri Nagamma.

I have the book "Letters from and recollections of Sri Ramanasramam" by
Suri Nagamma, but a quick glance through the pages doesn't help in
locating the reference. Can you please give me the exact page numbers so I
can look it up right away?

> regards,
> Sarma.



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