vAksavitrI ! vidyA.m shuddhA.m bhuddhi.m satvara.m cha dehimahyam (fwd)
Fri Sep 29 14:32:39 CDT 2000
Hari Om
This ' vaak savitri ' shloka is the composition of the 33rd pontiff of Sringeri
samsthaanam, H.H.Sri Sri Sri Sachchidaananda shivaabhinava nrisimha bhaarathi
swamiji. There are eight verses in it as it is an ashtakam.
Thanks to Sri Aravinda Krishna for the beautiful translation and explanation.
This is one of my very favourite stotram.
Latha Vidyaranya
"Ravisankar S. Mayavaram" wrote:
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2000 23:53:36 CDT
> From: Aravind Krishna <seeksha at>
> Reply-To: ambaa-l at
> To: ambaa-l at
> Subject: [ambaa-l] vAksavitrI ! vidyA.m shuddhA.m bhuddhi.m satvara.m cha
> dehi mahyam
> .. OM shrImAtre namaH ..
> .. durgA.m devI.m sharaNamaha.m prapadye sutarasi tarase namaH ..
> I seek refuge in thee, goddess Durga ! Save me well and quickly, salutations
> to thee.
> Lets contemplate on shAradA on the eve of her navarAtri with this hymn.
> .. shrI kamalajadayitAShTakam ..
> (Some attribute it to swami vidhyAraNya. )
> shruN^gaxmAbhR^innivAse shukamukhamunibhiH sevyamAnAN^ghripadme
> svAN^gacchhAyA vidhUtAmR^itakarasurarADvAhane vAksavitrI .
> shambhushrInAthamukhyAmaravaranikaraiH modataH pUjyamAne
> vidyA.m shuddhA.mcha bhuddhi.m kamalajadayite satvara.m dehimahyam .. (1)
> The first verse serves as a dhyAna shloka and enables one to contemplate on
> the divine form of shAradA.
> he! kamalaja-dayite!
> shAradA is addressed as kamalaja dayite or the consort of the lotus born.
> Brahma is said to have manifested from the lotus born out of the navel of
> viShNu. She is the shakti or the power of the creator shR^iShTikartrI
> brahmarUpA and hence the consort of Brahma.
> shruN^gaxmAbhR^in-nivAse shuka-mukha munibhiH sevyamAna aN^ghri padme !
> You reside in shringeri, Your lotus feet are worshipped by shukha and other
> sages.
> Those who are ever engaged in manana to obtain brahmasAxAtkAra are known as
> munibhiH. shuka is the foremost of such brahma GYAnI-s. He being the son of
> vedavyAsa was like sanakAdi muni who meditated on devi as there own self.
> atha yo.anya.m devatAmupAste.anyo.asAvanyohamasmIti na sa veda yathA pashuH
> . (bh.a 1.4.10)
> Those who worship without the knowledge that the devatA is his own self is
> indeed ignorant (pashuH).
> Lots of veda mantras proclaim that the divine mother is non other than the
> self tvam vA aham asmi bhagavo devate aham vai tvam asi.
> Similar to daxiNAmUrti, when devi assumed a form to bestow the knowledge of
> the self she was surrounded by a host of brahma GYAnI-s like shuka muni who
> were ever engaged on contemplation of her lotus feet.
> svAN^ga-cchhAyA vidhUta amR^ita kara surarAT vAhane !
> The sparkling effulgence of your body dispels the shine of the moon and the
> vehicle of Indra.
> shAradA being vidhyA devi is always meditated upon as davaLa gAtri yaa
> kundendu tushhaarahaara dhavalaa, bhaasaa kundendu
> sha.nkhasphaTikamaNinibhA bhAasamAnA.asamAnA.
> Her bright white effulges exceeds the shine of the nectar filled moon
> amR^itakaraH. The gait of her brightness defeats the celestial white
> elephant airAvadam. Her deha kAnti emits both saulabhya and gAmbIrya.
> shambhu shrInAtha mukhya amara vara nikaraiH modataH pUjyamAne !
> You are being delightfully worshipped by shambu (parameshvara), shrInAtha
> (viShNu) and other important devaa-s.
> She being mahArAGYI, the ruler of this entire universe is worshipped by
> shiva, viShNu and other devataa-s who are untiringly engaged in executing
> her will.
> Her worship is delightful not only for us but even for devaa-s hence the
> phrase modataH pUjyamAne.
> vAksavitrI ! vidyA.m shuddhA.m bhuddhi.m satvara.m cha mahyam dehi
> vAksavitrI (one who confers speech) bless me with knowledge (vidhyA.m) and
> flaw less intellect (shuddha bhuddhi.m cha) with out delay. This prayer is
> repeated in all shlokas.
> he! kamalaja-dayite! You reside in shringeri, Your lotus feet are
> worshipped by shukha and other sages, the sparkling effulgence of your body
> dispels the shine of the moon and the vehicle of Indra, You are being
> delightfully worshipped by shambu, shrInAtha and other important devaa-s,
> he! VaksavitrI ! bless me with knowledge and flaw less intellect with out
> delay.
> . jaya tungA taThastite ! jaya shruN^gAra devate !.
> Aravind
> AUM shrImAtre namaH
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