vishNu sahasranAma - Introductory Verses 1,2 & 3
Savithri Devaraj
sdevaraj at EXPLORER.CSC.COM
Mon Jun 28 21:53:44 CDT 1999
1.shrutvA dharmAna-sheSheNa pAvanAni ca sarvashaH
yudhiShTiraH shAntanavam punar-evA-bhyabhAshata
After hearing all forms of Dharma capable of effecting complete
purification, YudhiShTira, still unsatisfied, questioned the son of
Shantanu as follows:
shri yudhiShTira uvAca -
2.kimekam daivatam loke kim vApyekam parAyaNam
stuvantaH kam kamarcantaH prApnuyur-mAnavAH shubham.
Shri YudhiShTira asked :
"In this universe who is the one Divinity (at whose command all beings
function)? What is that one supreme status which one should seek to
attain? Who is that Divinity by praising whom and worshipping whom a
man attains good?
3.ko dharmaH sarva-dharmANAm bhavataH paramo mataH
kim japan mucyate jantur-janma-samsAra-bandhanAt
Which according to you is that highest form of dharma (capable of
bestowing salvation and prosperity on man)? What is that by uttering or
reciting which any living being can attain freedom from the cycle of
births and deaths?"
>From Translation and commentary of Sri SankarAcArya. Translated by Swami Tapasyananda.
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