Fwd: Advaita and Buddhism
Anand V. Hudli
anandhudli at HOTMAIL.COM
Tue Jun 22 13:17:58 CDT 1999
On Mon, 21 Jun 1999 16:43:56 -0700, Ravi <miinalochanii at YAHOO.COM> wrote:
>Here is a message from Nanda.
An excellent article from Nanda. You have what could be written
up as a research paper!
I have a comment regarding the "prachchhanaM baudham.h" criticism
against advaita. The schools that make this charge are implicitly
saying 1) that Buddhism is nonVedic and should be shunned, and
2) advaita shares tenets from Buddhism. Therefore, advaita should
be shunned as well.
I say these schools are wrong on _both_ counts. We should not show
any animosity towards Buddhism. It is clear that early Buddhism
borrowed from the Vedas, although the development of Buddhism
outside India may have taken place without Vedic influence.
If Buddhism is criticized because it is nonVedic, the same charge
may be made against some of the very schools that make the "crypto-
buddhism" charge. For example, some of the Vaishnava schools only
pay lip-service to the Vedas. They say they accept the Vedas, but
then their practices are all based on the pancharAtra's and other
nonVedic sources. They say their loyalty is to the Vedas but then
their real loyalty to is to deities some of which are nonVedic in
origin, with nonVedic methods of worship, and with nonVedic
"scriptures." If such schools accuse Buddhism of being nonVedic,
it is simply not fair.
The second point that advaita shares tenets from Buddhism is also
flawed. The _only_ point that advaita and Buddhism seem to share in
common is the illusory nature of the world, the jagan-mithyAtva
aspect. But even here, if one cares to look deeper, the illusion
theory of Buddhism is different from that of advaita. In advaita,
the worldly illusion is explained as "anirvachanIya", an indeterminable
entity which can neither be classified as real nor unreal. Further,
the illusion is based on a real "something." There can be no illusion
without a real substratum. Illusion is not like a purely fictitious
entity such as the horns of a hare, which seems to be the accepted
version of illusion in Buddhism. So if advaita is being equated with
Buddhism based on a flimsy interpretation of only one point - the
jagan-mithyAtva aspect, it is like equating materialism with the
realist schools. After all, the materialists (chArvAka's) too take
the world to be real; they deny the reality of everything other than
what they see. This equivalence is based on one point - the reality of
the world.
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