New member Introduction: Sri Dan Polland

Vaidya Sundaram Vaidya_Sundaram at I2.COM
Thu Jun 17 18:23:14 CDT 1999

---------------------- Forwarded by Vaidya Sundaram/Dallas/US/i2Tech on 06/17/99
06:22 PM ---------------------------

"Dan Polland " <awakener at> on 06/17/99 12:45:21 PM

Please respond to awakener at

           You are requested to send a brief introduction about yourself
           describing your interest in advaita vedanta.  This introduction will
           be posted to the list. You will added to the list only after this
           introduction is received.

Shri Vaidya_Sundaram-
     I am a devotee of Sri Ramana Maharshi since the early 90's.  I am
an anesthesiologist living in Colorado.  I am more of a "listener" on
this listserver than one who can contribute due to my lack of knowledge
relative to some very intelligent people who probably post on it.  I get
the Advaitan listserver and enjoy it very much.  SelfRealizaton is the
only thing that really matters to me, yet- at this particular stage in
my life, I am so busy professionally, I have little time for my sadhana.
     I look forward to being educated by other erudite members of this
list and feel a strong companionship with others of like mind-
    Yours humbly
    Dan Polland
    Grand Junction, CO USA

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