shrI lalitAtrishatI bhAShyam.h: 1
Raghavendra Hebbalalu
hsraghav at IMAP3.ASU.EDU
Wed Jun 2 16:43:50 CDT 1999
When She, as PArvatI, was performing penance to appease Lord Shiva, She did
not even take leaves for food. Since She did not eat leaves, She was known
as aparNA.
Learned members can elaborate on this.
----- Original Message -----
From: Vaidya Sundaram <Vaidya_Sundaram at I2.COM>
To: <ADVAITA-L at>
Sent: Wednesday, June 02, 1999 9:11 AM
Subject: Re: shrI lalitAtrishatI bhAShyam.h: 1
I have heard Sri anantarAma dIkshidhar splitting aparNa as apagatham + rNAm
one who alleviates all the debts of the devotees. The debts have in general
equated with the three kinds of debts a human is born with (deva rNam, rishi
rNam and pitru rNam); this means that one who prays to Her is absolved of
mundane debts as well and hence the devotee attains to Her without further
encumbrances due to karmic action.
aum aparNAyai namaH
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