Advaita Sadhana or tripaJNchaaN^ga yoga

Sunder Hattangadi gourish at INTERNET1.NET
Thu Apr 29 14:13:45 CDT 1999

As discussion in recent postings have begun to focus on the practice or
sadhana aspect, it would be appropriate to refer to AchArya shaN^kara's
writings on it, especially aparokshaanubhuuti (verses 100-144).[ Most of
the verses also form the 1st adhyaaya of tejobindu upanishat. ]
Although the 8-step (ashhTaN^ga) yoga of pataJNjali is better known in
general, these verses have been given a fresh meaning from the advaitic
perspective, and are enumerated in 15-steps.

I shall post these serially over the next few weeks.

tripaJNchaaN^gaanyatho vakshye puurvoktasya hi labdhaye .
taishcha sarvaiH sadaa kaarya.n nididhyaasanameva tu .. 100..

tripaJNchaaN^gaani =   fifteen steps
athaH              =   now
vakshye            =   I shall explain
puurva             =   afore
uktasya            =   said
hi                 =   (expletive)
labdhaye           =   to attain
taiH               =   by them
cha                =   and
sarvai             =   by all
sadaa              =   always
kaaryam            =   should be practised
nididhyaasanam     =   profound meditation
eva                =   verily
tu                 =   (expletive)

I shall now explain the 15 steps on all of which profound meditation has
to be practised always, for attaining the aforsaid (knowledge)(ref. to
verses 24-28).

[ The full text is available at URL:
uuti.itx ( or.gif, or .ps)

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