Vidyasankar Sundaresan
Tue Oct 20 01:10:30 CDT 1998
On Mon, 19 Oct 1998, Ravisankar Mayavaram wrote:
> namaste
> In the book "Dancing with Siva" by shrI shivAya subramuniya
> svAmi, there is a reference to something called "shiva-advaita".
> Not much detail is given there though. Author talks about
> "shrI appaya dIkshita" in this regard.
> I have not heard anything about shAktAdvaita. I am able
> understand only what shiva-vishishtAdvaita (shrIkaNTha) or
> shaktI-vishishTAdvaita can possibly mean. In the realm of
> advaita-vedanta there is very little or no scope for difference
> between shiva, shaktI and shrIman nArAyaNa.
Yes, you are right. Historically speaking, there is a SivAdvaita school
associated with the name of the great appayya dIkshita. He wrote works
like SivArkamaNidIpikA and SivAdvaita-nirNaya, as also the parimalA
commentary in the bhAmatI sub-school in advaita vedAnta. He reinterprets
SrIkaNTha's version of viSishTAdvaita along the lines of Sankaran advaita.
Re: SAktAdvaita, one could possibly count authors like bhAskararAya (16th
century), who wrote on various SAkta traditions and texts. However, if we
hold a commentary on the brahmasUtra to be necessary for a school to be
called vedAnta, one cannot call bhAskararAya a vedAntin. Most of these
SAkta authors also tend to refer to SankarAcArya's commentaries and hymns
with great respect, so that their SAktAdvaita is derivative of advaita
vedAnta, in some senses.
"bhava shankara deshikame sharaNam"
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