|| shrI sha.nkarAchArya aShTottara-shata-nAma-stotram.h ||
Ravi Mayavaram
Sat May 16 22:42:13 CDT 1998
nirmamo niraha"nkAro vishvavandyapadAmbujaH |
sattvapradhAnassadbhAvassa"nkhyAtItaguNojjvalaH || 8 ||
AUM nirmamAya namaH
I bow to shrI shankara who is free from mamakAram. (mamakAram is an
attitude which leads one to think "this is mine", which would also
simulataneously imply "something else is not mine. It can be
translated as Mineness).
AUM niraha"nkArAya namaH
I bow to shrI shankara who is free from ahaMkAram.
ahaMkAram is "I am the doer" attitude. HE is free from that.
AUM vishva-vandya-padAmbujAya namaH
I bow to shrI shankara whose lotus feet is worshipped by all.
AUM sattvapradhAnaya namaH
I bow to shrI shankara in whom sattva guNa is predominant.
AUM sadbhAvAya namaH
I bow to shrI shankara who (always) contemplates on the Truth.
AUM sa"nkyAtItagunojjvalaya namaH
I bow to shrI shankara whose nature shines above the sAMkhya
philosophy. Non-dual brahman is not described correctly by the sAMkhya
philosophy which enumerates 25 principles. shrI shankara who has
AtmajnAnam, who ever abides in the brahman, cannot be described by the
sa"nkhya philosophy, as this truth is beyond its scope.
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