|| shrI sha.nkarAchArya aShTottara-shata-nAmAvaliH ||
Ravi Mayavaram
Mon May 11 09:10:23 CDT 1998
On Sun, 10 May 1998, Ravi Mayavaram wrote:
>Subject: Re: || shrI sha.nkarAchArya aShTottara-shata-nAmAvaliH ||
>|| shrI shankarAcharyAShtottarashatanAmAvaliH ||
>>varNAshramapratiShTAtA shrImAnmuktipradAyakaH |
>>shiShyopadeshanirato bhaktAbhIShTapradAyakaH || 2 ||
>AUM varNAshramapratiShTatAya namaH
>I bow to shrI shankara who firmly [re]stablished the varNAshrama
>AUM shrImate namaH
>I bow to shrI shankara who possesses all auspicious attributes.
>AUM muktipradAyakAya namaH
>I bow to shrI shankara who bestows mukti to his devotees by conferring
>Atmaj~nAnam to them.
>AUM bhaktAbhIShTapradAyakAya namaH
>I bow to shrI shankara who grants the much desired wishes (abhi iShTa)
>of his devotees. The most desired thing is the non-dual bliss of
>brahman, which He bestows to them through Atmaj~nAnam.
>[to be continued]
I accidentally missed the name "shiShyopadeshanirataH
AUM shiShyopadeshaniratAya namaH
I bow to shrI shankara who is ever keen to instruct his disciples.
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