|| shrI sha.nkarAchArya aShTottara-shata-nAmAvaliH ||

Ravisankar S. Mayavaram msr at ISC.TAMU.EDU
Sat Jun 27 22:13:16 CDT 1998

AUM bhagavatpAdasa.nj~nakAya namaH

I bow to shrI shankara who is known as bhagavatpAda.

AUM vyAsasa.ndarshanaprItAya namaH

I bow to shrI shankara who was pleased by the vision of sage shrI vyAsa.

bhagavan vedavyAsa came disguised as a old man and invited shrI shankara
for a debate on shrI shankara's brahma sUtra bhAshya. The debate will go
on for a long time. shrI padmapAda, one of the chief disciples of shrI
shankara, at that point realized that the old is none but shrI vyAsa (who
is indeed mahAviShNu) and  shankara is indeed Lord shiva.

shankaram shankarAchAryaM keshavaM bAdarAyanam.h |
sUtrabhAshya kR^itau vande bhagavantau punaH punaH ||

Pleased with shankara's bhAshya, sage vyAsa blessed him with additional 16
years of life. One can read about this incident in detail in madhaviya
shankara digvijayam.

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