Bhakti, Shraddha and Prema

Chelluri at AOL.COM Chelluri at AOL.COM
Thu Jul 9 19:53:48 CDT 1998

Thanks Ravi for posting the different kinds of bhakti.
Adi Shankara stated how love should be in sivanandalahari.

How to show bhakti towards a non-entity while one is full of avidya.

My friend sada once told me to know the problem is half the solution.
My problem is how to complete the rest and comeup with final solution.

Recently I came across an old book in telugu translation "kamakala Vilasam -
Advaita Siddhantam". Here is a quote from the introduction itself.
Conversation between two swans.
Female Swan:  He swamin yadvignanena sarvam vignatam bhavati tadacha kshem?
Male Swan: Ekamrutpimdajnaanena sarvam mrunmayam vignayateti.

Swans are no other than kameswari and kameswara!


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