Viveka ChuDAmaNi verse 424

Gummuluru Murthy gmurthy at MORGAN.UCS.MUN.CA
Tue Nov 18 09:31:55 CST 1997

Shri Shankara's Viveka ChuDAmaNi is one of the beautiful treatises on
advaita which discusses the teacher, the disciple and the concepts of
advaita with logic, analysis and precision. I am at verse 424 which
goes as follows:

VAsanAnudayo bhogye vairAgyasya tadAvadhih
aham-bhAvodayAbhAvo bodhasya paramAvadhih
leenavr^ttairanupattih maryAdA'upratestu sA.

When the sense objects excite no more desire, that is the culmination
of dispassion. The absence of the sense of "I" of the ego is the
culmination of knowledge. And when the desires that have already subsided
will not rise again, that is the culmination of the sense of withdrawal

The sequence in which they were put in are: dispassion, knowledge, self-
withdrawal (renunciation). Is it meant then, that is the sequence in our
evolution into a TRUE advaitin ?

Gummuluru Murthy
... aham-bhAvodayAbhAvo bodhasya paramAvadhih ...
                        Shri Shankara in Viveka ChuDAmaNi (verse 424)

Absence of the sense of "I" of the ego is the culmination of knowledge.

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