Agony, etc. etc.

Charles A. Hillig chillig at JETLINK.NET
Mon Jan 6 09:48:09 CST 1997

     About your last question;  "Why does it take a shorter time to reach
God by being an enemy than by being a devotee?"

     God, of course, cannot be "reached" any more than a fingertip can point
at itself.   But I am reminded of a wonderful  saying in Zen:

                                 Great doubt---great awakening
                                  Small doubt--small awakening
                                    No doubt--no awakening

      You will awaken to (and as) Love itself.

     Adversarial relationships are grounded in fear.

     But maybe you'll be able to fully experience that love
            only after you are willing to fully experience your fear of  it.

                                        With Blessings,

                                             Chuck Hillig

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