Thought-free state

Ian Goddard igoddard at EROLS.COM
Mon Jul 15 00:32:31 CDT 1996

  At 02:26 AM 7/15/96 GMT, egodust wrote:

  >the Mind's thoughts--although not different from the Self--if experienced
  >*unto themselves*, are mayavic.  When a single thought or emotion is
  >honored as being consequential [to one's state of Being] or summarily
  >paramount and exclusive, is where the popular infliction of duality
  >enters the picture.

IAN: The thought that thoughts are the cause of being is, as you observe,
a false thought. There could be no initial cause of being / reality.
There could be no time prior to time, thus time never began.
Eternity is all there is right now.

  > Remember that the Mind is only a bundle of thoughts; and
  > since thoughts, by definition, involve *isolated* observations,
  > they are mayavic.

IAN: If everything is relative, nothing is isolated.
Everything is relative, ergo nothing is isolated.

The Self is not isolated. If there is also no thing that is isolated,
then all things are identical to the Self, and thus any possible trace
of duality, division, or distinction is annihilated.

 > Just as the snake is not different from the rope, yet if
 > the rope is obscured by the hissing or writhing snake (urgency of thought
 > or emotion that overshadows our sahaja samadhi [natural state of Being]),
 > therein lies the primal disconnect.

IAN: If there is a disconnection, there is a division and thus duality.
There is no evidence that the Self is ever disconnected from the Self.

Law of Identity: A is A, relative to not-A. A = (A + ~A)

Law of Nonidentity: If there is 100% A, there is 0% A. A = ~A

absolute reality:

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