Limitations of God? ( Was Re: Question on method of arriving at conclusions )

Natha Bhaktyananda natha at DK-ONLINE.DK
Wed Jul 10 19:54:59 CDT 1996

M Suresh wrote:
>   Regarding your statement on mathematical truths, it does seem that they are
>   equal to God atleast as far as infalliability and self-evidence are concerned.
>   So it does seem that God is enclosed in a cage of logic since he is confined
>  by
>   logic.
>   The self evidence and transcendence of mathematical truths had come up in SRH
>   a long time ago. I do not remember how it ended.
>   I remember you had raised a related question "Can God Change the past?" in
>   SRV. I think that might be possible if past is viewed as what present says
>   about the past. So if what the present has to say about the past, ( i.e the
>   memory ) is changed then past would change.-------------------------------

In a non dualistic system, such as Vedanta or Trika, there is no 
question that God surpasses both the logic and any form of causality. 
That 2+2=4, is strictly a matter of maya and the *Absolute* cannot be 
limited by it; even if one cannot conceive it, one is compelled to 
accept that there *may* exist worlds where 2+2=5 (6, 7, etc.) See here 
the case of the non-Euclidian geometries vs. the conventional space.

Also the concepts of past and future have no meaning from the standpoint 
of the Absolute Instant, and may be deemed as part of maya.
        The famous Indologist (and others) Mircea Eliade accounts in his 
novel (?!) "Nights in Serampore" his allegedly real dialogue with Swami 
Shivananda from Rishikesh upon precisely this topic: if one having 
access at the ultimate Reality could actually change the past. It is 
worth reading what Shivananda had to say about it...

Natha Bhaktyananda
KĂžbmagergade 28, 2.
1150 K, DK
natha at

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