Dream and the waking states

K. Sadananda sada at ANVIL.NRL.NAVY.MIL
Tue Jul 9 06:31:25 CDT 1996

The dream and the waking states:

I am sorry - I did not have a chance to read Vidya's analysis on this.  Knowing
him, I am sure he must have discussed this thoroughly.   I have to learn how to
tap the old files, study  when I am ready.

The similarity between the dream and the waking states is exact.

Inconsistencies are notions in the mind with reference to some norm based on the
waking state.  From dream state there are no inconsistencies. If a dreamer finds
any inconsistency in that dream he finds it only with reference to the norm in
the dream state.  For example a dreamer can access that some of the subjects he
sees can be inconsistent in their behavior.  But the norm is from the dream
state only.  The laws that dictate the dream world along with norms for
measurement at physical, mental and intellectual levels are all from the dream

Dream is the only example one can find that models exactly the waking universe.
The important aspect being the identity of the material cause, the efficient
cause and the instrumental cause -as the Vishnu sahasranaama says: karaNam
kaaraNam karthaa .....

What is the difference between the dream and the waking state:

The vasanas or cause - kaaraNam - for the creation comes from the waking state -
the suppressions and the repressions of the waking mind.

The knowledge for the creation (efficient cause) comes from the waking mind.  I
am sure no one has ever dreamt Gaagaabuubu - since no one knows what it is! -

Only difference with reference to waking state is the lack of full
discriminative faculty - If it is there - we will be awake!   Essentially
intellect goes to sleep.  That makes the vision of the dream a reality to the
dreamer- this in contrast to the day-dreams!  Scientifically that helps us to
drainage the vasanaas (the suppressions and repressions in the mind) and it
makes the mind fresh for the next day activities.   Also since the intellect is
not fully available, there is no self-will to the extent that one can accumulate
new vasanas in the dream - That is no aagami type of karmas in the dream.   The
world is not like a karma bhuumi.  Because of the same reason one cannot have
self-realization in the dream.  One can dream about the Lord but that the
duality exists.   Basically all this because the discriminative intellect is in
the primitive state.

But so is the waking state with reference to turiya state.   The viveka -
nityaanitya vastu viveka - is not there for aJNaanies.  The inconsistencies that
we donot find in this waking state will be discovered - so to say - in the
turiiya state.  Otherwise how can we explain the greatest inconsistency - while
saying this is my body, my mind and my intellect - that they are objects of my
possession - yet strongly feel that I am the body, the mind and the intellect.
Identification of the object as the subject is due to the lack of

Hence the analogy between the dream and the waking is exact.   ManDukya with
kaarika hence provides in my mind the greatest heights that Vedanta took us to
show the unreality of this pluralistic vision of the world.

Hari Om!


What you have is His gift to you and what you do with what you have is your gift
to Him. - Swami Chinmayananda
K. Sadananda, Code 6323
Naval Research Laboratory
Washington D.C. 20375

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