Why do we trace our lineage in chanting Gayatri mantra ?
Gummuluru Murthy
gmurthy at MORGAN.UCS.MUN.CA
Thu Aug 29 07:17:43 CDT 1996
All of us, members of this group, are well aware that we are not the
body, nor the mind. What we refer to as "I" is the Nirguna
Brahman, that formless, shapeless Reality described in the
Upanishads. We add various upadhis to it due to ajnana and give
ourselves a name and a lineage and falsely associate ourselves with
this lineage.
Most of us chant Gayatri mantra at least twice a day and my
question relates to the Gayatri mantra. When we do abhivaadanam,
(introducing ourselves), we trace at least three rishis who are
our ancestors, we state our Gotra etc. Gayatri mantra is the
most sacred and ancient of all the mantras and we cannot
question the meaning of the verses. We can only put our
interpretation to it.
Why did the learned sages incorporate the tracing of the lineage and
gotras in the Gayatri mantra, knowing full well that the Self is never
destructed and does not have a birth. Then, why this scent of
association of Self with the body and the mind ?
Any clarification and/or reference where this is
discussed, is most appreciated.
Gummuluru Murthy
Adau ante ca yan nAsti vartamAnepi tat tathA !
GaudapAda in Mandukya kArika
What did not exist at the beginning and what is not going to exist at the
end is as good as non-existent even in the present.
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