[Advaita-l] [advaitin] The constant thought of 'I am Vishnu' results in liberation, moksha - Skandapurana

Bhaskar YR bhaskar.yr at hitachienergy.com
Mon Jan 29 05:42:39 EST 2024

praNAms Sri Venkataraghavan prabhuji
Hare Krishna

It was sarcasm, but its purpose was not to belittle, but to illustrate that there is a reason why the shAstra and the guru paramparA exists. No one in the advaita tradition will say that the guru, scripture, karma, dhyAna or jnAna sAdhana are purposeless. They are very much necessary.

Ø     Yes, that is the reason why bhAshyakAra too give utmost importance to sampradaya,  sampradayavida guru and his teaching.  And when he is insisting the importance of sAmpradAyika teachings through shrotreeya brahmanishTa guru he never advised sAdhaka jignAsu-s that they are mere dream characters in sAdhaka’s dream state.

However in some places, ahamgraha upAsana of the type has also been prescribed. The purpose of it is to prepare the mind for the rise of samyak jnAna.

Ø     Yes the purpose of OmkArOpAsana, vibhUti upAsana  or daharOpAsana, ahaMgrahOpAsana, hArdabrahmOpAsana as explained in chAndOgya shruti  etc. is for chitta Shuddhi and brahmalOka prApti through kartru tantra sAdhana.  And I don’t think these upAsana-s too not advocating the dhyAna like I am vishNu, I am shiva keeping and treating the sOpAdhika brahma / Pratima as me like imposter paundraka in bhagavata 😊

Hari Hari Hari Bol!!

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